Da Sucker Wiki

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Pewdiepie.

You: Hello

Stranger: hi

You: Do you like pewdiepie?

Stranger: hell frickin yea\

You: can you ggive a link to your favorite video?

Stranger: yea one moment pls

You: ok

Stranger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm112ERjB_o

Stranger: there you go

You: mine is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Stranger: wow

Stranger: you trolled me

Stranger: oh my god

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: f

Stranger: u'

Stranger: ju

Stranger: 'u

Stranger: u

Stranger: u

Stranger: u

Stranger: uu

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: c

Stranger: k

Stranger: k

Stranger: k

Stranger: k

Stranger: k

Stranger: k

Stranger: k

You: Darude-Sandstorm

Stranger: i love that song

You: dadaadadadadadaddadadadadadadaaddadada

You: Guess who this is:

You: ....................„-~~'''''''~~--„„_ .............„-~''-,::::::::::::::::::: ''-„ .........,~''::::::::',:::::::::::::::: ::::|', ....::::::,~'''¯¯¯''''~~--~'''¯''',:| ........'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : ::: : |,' ........|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : ---: | .......(¯''~-': : : :'¯°: ',: :|: :°-: :| ... .....'.''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,' ...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ ......,''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,' __„-';;;;;\:''-,: : : :'~---~''/| ;;;;;/;;;;;;;\: :\: : :____/: :',__ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',. .''-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;''-„__ ;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;\. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-„ ;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;\. . .\:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|

Stranger: wow that is kawai


You: its lines of texts

Stranger: what

Stranger: dramaticly

Stranger: oh wow smart (_!_)

You: thats a nice butt

You: (_!_)

Stranger: i know right

You: (_?_)

Stranger: dumb a

You: (______________________________________|______________)

You: Surgery butt

Stranger: very funny

You: .

You: nonexistant butt

Stranger: wow

You: {_|_)

You: Pointy butt

You: {_|_}

Stranger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3XJHyqxE0s

Stranger: do you play realm of the mad god

You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8fFByuHcPI

Stranger: wait are you like a creepy old dude trying to get my pictures n stuff

You: *women

Stranger: oh im a guy so hell na

You: I already have your pics

You: and your wives

Stranger: i am 11 years old going to middle school

Stranger: you know nothing


You: Your name is Patricia Starr

You: You live at 666 Drive

You: And you eat popsicles for breakfast

Stranger: no

Stranger: no

Stranger: no

Stranger: no

Stranger: no

You: yes

You: yes

You: ys

You: tstestsetset

You: set

You: set

You: st

You: setes

Stranger: how do know about me

You: yes

You: You just told me


Stranger: i am stupid

You: Let me tell you a story

You: Lifts-Her-Tail Certainly not, kind sir! I am here but to clean your chambers. Crantius Colto Is that all you have come here for, little one? My chambers? Lifts-Her-Tail I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor Argonian maid. Crantius Colto So you are, my dumpling. And a good one at that. Such strong legs and shapely tail. Lifts-Her-Tail You embarrass me, sir! Crantius Colto Fear not. You are safe here with me. Lifts-Her-Tail I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not! Crantius Colto Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear. Lifts-Her-Tail But it is huge! It could take me all night! Crantius Colto Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.

Stranger: O K

Stranger: i am polish

Stranger: yea

You: I am shoe

You: together we are

You: shoe polish

Stranger: well hello shoe

Stranger: wow

Stranger: do you want to hear a pickup line my 5 grade freind told me

You: sure

Stranger: are you little ceasers cause ure hot and im ready

You: Let me tell you one

Stranger: ok

You: Hi, i'm a burgular... and I'm gonna smash your back door in!

Stranger: hi my name is _________ and im here to %*$( u

You: If you were a washing machine, I would put my dirty load inside you.

Stranger: nice pants can i test the zipper

You: You can call me "The Fireman"....mainly because I turn the hose on!

Stranger: do i know you cause i cant tell who you are with your clothes on

You: I wish you were soap so I could feel you all over me.

You: You don't look good in blue, but you do look good in

You: clear

Stranger: if you were a vegetable you would be clear

Stranger: fu i meant a cucumber

You: Hey people call me the bar stool because of my third leg

Stranger: baby i will treat you like homework. slam you down and do you all night

You: Hey excuse me...I know you pregnant but when you drop that one off...ID LOVE to put another one in u

Stranger: there are 206 bones in your body do you want me to add a nother

You: If you were a laser you'd be set to stunning.

Stranger: if you were a baker i would fill your buns with cream

Stranger: got to go see ya

You: ok

You: see me

Stranger: lol
